Believe, Achieve and Dream!

McCrosson-Tovell School helps all students develop a growth mindset in a safe and caring environment to ensure they meet their highest potential.

Upcoming Events

Jun 10  | PA Day - no school

Jun 12 | Kindergarten Graduation and Year End Celebration

Jun 21 | Report Cards Go Home
Jun 21 | Last Day of School

Principal Perspective


The school year is quickly ending. We anticipate that June will go by very fast with all the activities happening this month. The students are looking forward to swimming lessons this week and Kindergarten Graduation and Year End Celebrations will take place on Wednesday, June 12, at 1:30 pm. We look forward to having all parents and caregivers attend the celebration.


 It has been a great year of learning for all of us, and plans are coming together for the next school year for Riverview and McCrosson Tovell Schools.  We are happy to announce that Kelly Agar and Donna Osadchuk will continue as Principal and Vice Principal for the 2024-2025 school year and school year, and we welcome Michelle VanBeek to the Vice Principal role at Riverview School. We are saying goodbye to Kari-Lynn Beckett, as she starts at Fort Frances High School Intermediate next year, which is a lot closer to home for her. We are also saying goodbye to Mr. Walter who will be with his family in Alberta. We thank them for their work at Riverview and McCrosson Tovell Schools.


We also want to thank our hard-working and dedicated staff for all of their hard work over the course of the year.  You have all helped to make our school an awesome place to be and you have each made a real difference in the lives of our students.


We wish you all a safe and healthy summer!


Mrs. Osadchuk & Mrs. Beckett 


School Day

8:40 AM - Warning Bell 
8:45 AM - School Starts 
8:45 AM - 10:25 AM First Instructional Block 
10:25 AM - 11:10 AMFirst Nutrition Break 
11:10 AM - 12:50 PMSecond Instructional Block 
12:50 PM - 1:35 PMSecond Nutrition Break 
1:35 PM - 3:15 PMThird Instructional Block 
3:15 PM - Dismissal 

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school screening

Jump Start